The Great Wall of China is the perfect scenario for the Avatar to practice his latest moves! — Something strange happened to Aang today. Usually cheerful and relatively calm, he’s now become mad and fired up! I’ve caught up with him on the Great Wall of China, where he and Toph went for some sight seeing. What I saw there was stunning – Aang nailed Toph’s plump ass, rumpling and slapping it with all his force! He was so ablaze with anger he naturally glowed with fire! Toph’s butt had a hard time – Aang’s mighty cock pierced it through, hitting her stomach from inside, and it seemed like her stretched chocolate hole was going to rip apart! It was rather scary to look into Toph’s widely open eyes, but in the meantime it really turned me on! It was one of the weirdest moments I’ve ever experienced…
Tags: Avatar Pics Of The Month